Why are there Problems in Life | My own Personal Experience

When you are facing problems then you feel that why all this is happening with me only? you think that all these problems are made for my life only. Will my life be spent struggling with these problems or something will happen in my life that will make me feel that yes, these problems that are in my life, they are Nature has sent them to make my life stronger and more beautiful.

Because whatever incidents are happening with you in this world or simply say whatever problems are coming in your life, you should know that they are not coming of your own free will. Rather this nature has already decided all those problems and incidents for you. Somebody has said that the bigger the problem, the bigger the success.

Why are there Problems in Life | My own Personal Experience techcrinz
Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

"Problems never happen to one who has no aim in life. Problems always come with one who has made a purpose in life". It means to say that if you want something for yourself from this world or in other words if you have expressed your physical desires in front of this universe, in front of this nature and you are ready to fulfill those desires. If you keep working hard, then this nature and this universe will surely fulfill those wishes of yours.

Before fulfilling those desires of yours, nature wants that when your desires are fulfilled and you get the desired object or place, then you should respect it. And this can happen only when you have the knowledge of the obstacles in the attainment of that object or place. Nature wants you to know how difficult the path was to reach whatever position you have achieved today.

Now because you know that the purpose you created has been fulfilled today. And at the same time you also know how many problems you have faced and how many hurdles you have crossed to achieve that goal. So this nature, this universe only wants you to respect it when you have achieved your goal or your destination. You must not feel that I have got it all without any effort and all the other people who are working hard to get it are fools, crazy and you are intelligent and clever.

Because when a person gets something without any struggle or hard work, then that person neither respects that thing nor understands its real importance. The result is that this nature forcefully snatches that thing from that person. Because nature wants that nothing should go to such a person, who is not entitled to get it. Otherwise it would be unfair to those people who are constantly working and struggling to get that thing.

So if you are facing many obstacles in your life, don't think that nature has imposed these obstacles on you. Rather you have to create such a mindset that every obstacle is taking me towards my goal. You must know that these problems are with you because you have expressed your material desires in front of this nature or say you want to get something in this world. And the bigger the desire you have expressed to this nature, the bigger it will create problems for you and this nature wants as much struggle from you.

If you cannot face those problems and you are holding back from fighting, then you will not be considered a strong contender for the fulfillment of your desires and objectives that you have created in your life.

As we all know that for every action there is a reaction. So, if you haven't faced problems and conflicts in your life, a reaction of this nature will also be quite vacuous. Because "this nature does not give anything to anyone without doing anything".

You have to walk according to the laws of this nature. If you want to do something big in life then you will have to face equally big problems. You have to understand one thing that the smaller the target, the smaller the problems, on the other hand the bigger the target, the bigger the problems.

Let me tell you what is the real problem, one day while I was going somewhere I saw such a sight which stunned me. I saw a man who is wearing simple clothes and he is driving a foot rickshaw and he is holding the handle of the rickshaw with only one hand as he does not have the other hand. Yes, you read it right, that person was holding the handle of the rickshaw with only one hand, keeping two passengers sitting in the rickshaw, pedaling continuously with his feet, and was continuously moving towards his destination on the way.

Now imagine that if you had a similar problem with this poor rickshaw puller, then what could have been a bigger problem in your life than this.

You have to accept that there are problems with those who have millions of dollars and also with those who are beggars. But if your body is perfect and all the organs are working properly then you are the luckiest person in this world. Because you can go anywhere in this world, you can do whatever you want and you can become anything in the world.

So in the end I would like to say to you that "Don't create a mindset that you see even an opportunity as a problem, but create a mindset that you see a problem as an opportunity".

Trust me, if you develop this mindset, you will start loving the word 'problem' instead of hating it, because now you know that problem is another name for opportunity.

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